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India best chef Consultant for marriages events menu planning
Thursday, 23 Jan 2020 00:00 am
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wedding menu planning experts in India,out-of-the-box chef Consultant for super-luxury wedding menu, Hello friends my name is Saurabh Mittal and I have recently used the services from chef Amit Gaur who is one of India's best chef consultants and also provide menu planning consultancy into creating high-quality of menus for weddings and events in India. We are so thankful and grateful to Amit Kumar that he has made my daughter waiting out of the box everybody is talking about the menu and the food. It was so good. That is the reason I have to choose this platform to share a piece of great information about his services and about his great expertise in two menu planning for special events like weddings and luxury Shaadi.

 I would like to tell you that we have decided to organize my daughter's wedding in India. We have selected one of the most luxurious hotels in India who is having great venues and wonderful hotel rooms our destination wedding was in India and the biggest challenge we are facing is the quality of food in the hotel. Because we want our catering company to be involved into food but hotels in India do not allow that and we find there is a big problem and then somebody has suggested to me about Chef Amit Gaur. We are spoken to him and he has created a fantastic menu and given his color culinary represents all through the event. He helped us to create a menu that into food testing and discussion with the hotel, believe me, he is such a great personality and out-of-the-box chef in India who provides very efficient and out of the box menu planning and menu designing services for special events Shaadi weddings and marriages.

I am sure you must be for menu planning for the destination weddings and special events are just because people want something important we want to create a great event for the peoples and menu planning is very important people should have different food quality food and out of the food so that they always remember our event and if you are looking for a menu consultant for your weddings and marriages in India I am sure it's a possibility to talk to Chef Amit gaur. 

Contact address and phone numbers of chef Amit Gaur for weddings and shaadi menu planning and consultancy in India Call+919571118855 

The conclusion is if you are looking for a menu planning Consultant for creating menus and help you into food testing and other necessary items for organizing a wonderful recognized wedding in India and you are looking for Chef consultant I think Chef Amit gaur is one of the best option available among others in India