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India Effective 10 Digital marketing tips useful Hotels Manager 
Monday, 15 Oct 2018 00:00 am
Hotels  & Resorts Recruitment agencies | marketing social media tips updates

Hotels & Resorts Recruitment agencies | marketing social media tips updates

Effective 10 Digital marketing tips useful Hotel Manager 

If you want our services we can provide you a great Hotel digital marketing services in very affordable price we are one of the best hotel marketing experts in India and offering a very affordable and result oriented Hotel online internet Marketing Services across country across cities and across support contact us and believe me first you see the results and then you pay the fees.

What is Digital marketing for Hotels ? 

Answer :Internet marketing other name of digital marketing. Digital marketing is the fastest communication marketing to the potential target audience marketing. You can reach to your potential customers instantly with the help of digital marketing. Contribution of digital marketing to hotel industry has been phenomenal change from last 5 years. 

Due to the not correct information about performing digital marketing hotels are hiring iT companies and individual professionals for help in hotels performing digital marketing. Digital marketing is very easy and efficient today we will be sharing 10 unique useful tips for Hotel managers to learning more about digital marketing for the hotels. With the help of this useful technique Hotel Manager will increase their results on digital marketing it may be also results Hotel managers start allowing digital marketing performance from hotel premises. 

This unique tips and techniques maybe dangerous for the iT companies who are working as a technology and digital marketing partners for the hotels 

Firstly I would like to describe what are the platforms digital marketing can be operated and useful for Hotel operators.

1. Email marketing for Hotels 
   We everybody know about email marketing email marketing is not just sending bulk emails, many hotel operators  and purchase bulk email service but still most of them are complaining email marketing results are not what we expect it. Every hotel has their own unique data for customers, the use best email Marketing software but still performance not accepted which is required . 

Solution : If you are using email marketing never send bulk emails, send batch emails, batch emails, are always reach to the inbox of the recipient. Always use unique content of emails, if you are a big hotel and you cannot afford to have your own email server this tips will be very helpful for you. If you are bigger Hotel inventory purchase your own email server with 4-5 unique IP. This will not cost you more than 10000 rupees. 

2. Social media Marketing for Hotels 
   There are almost 50 social media platforms available, create your account on every social media platforms, and daily basis post content with pictures not only pictures. This is second useful tips for Hotel managers and operators who are looking for effective digital marketing. There are many softwares available in the market which will give you a facility to post the same content on different social media platforms at same time. You can also call me I will guide you,My number is +919571118855. ( Amit Gaur ) Hotel marketing company in India. 

3. Used Hotel Marcom Software 
   Hotel marcom software is the latest invention for Hotel Industries you just speak, and post your informative content on google instantly with the help of hotel marcom  on software. Here is the link for Google MARCOM software. 

4. Digital marketing training 
   There are many companies who are providing digital marketing training you can hire those companies to trend your hotel staff to perform digital marketing digital marketing doesn't need much more effort it is one of the easiest and effective marketing. We also provide digital marketing training to Hotel employees after our training we will guarantee you you will set up men digital marketer within your hotel performing daily basis your marketing online. This is the latest and new trend in to hotel industry due to high competition involving hotel staff into digital marketing in such a fashion that everybody contribute a big role with less effort. 

5. Worldconnect 
   Worldconnect is the latest platform for set up target audience communication you can use worldconnect platforms available for Indian hotels. Worldconnect will help you to get communication details of your potential target audience you can just send email to your potential customers in the world with the help of world connect. Here is the link to know more about world connect software for hotels. 

6. Involve, chef N FNB 
   Food is something you Can attract more peoples, everyday in your hotel kitchen your Chefs are doing something new experiments. Create a YouTube channel, and post your daily innovative things on YouTube this is one of the best viral digital marketing for the hotels in new trends. If you are doing this all process you will say within few weeks the football in your hotel has increased and you never know how the customers are coming, believe me if you take contribute every hotel staff who is working in your hotel into digital marketing you had your own Army for Digital Marketing and your competitor is dependent on one IT company which are not having number of people you have in your hotel. 

7. Create useful content 
   It is being noticed every Hotel managers and revenue managers are complaining about Hotel website is not capable, for attracting more traffic and room bookings. The reason is simple, hotel websites have only riverland information as per the hotel services and products very nice hotel websites are providing useful content to the tourist and travellers. Every Hotel managers has to really understand now he has to sell his City first then the hotel. If this concept is been accepted by now your booking level will be increased. You have to tell something amazing about your city so that tourist Traveller can decide to visit your city and then you can recommend your hotel as a accommodation. This is one of the repetitive tagline from many expert digital marketing managers but still many hotels are living in the dreams they hire a digital marketing company they Pay every month a big money and the results................ Please wake up. If you make everything in house, now hotels has develop their own electricity houses by using solar energy, this is the right time to adopt the latest trend into hotel industry by involving every staff in hotel digital marketing my training and guidelines. If you are looking for this type of services here is my number you can contact me for more details on digital marketing for the hotels we provide our services to Mumbai Delhi Gujarat Bangalore Hyderabad Goa Odisha Pune Punjab and all the major cities in India 

8. Website optimise 
   You can hire a technical guy,or a company to audit your present Hotel website if you really keen to increase your hotel booking from your hotel website. There are 500 parameters from the Google. And there are many free platforms available you can check your website's speed and other technical parts online. Do it, rectified it, then see the wonders Google will help you. Google is a friend, no need to invest money on any Search Engine Optimisation Google is friend. If you want to really come on top fast, use Google AdWords. If you're looking for any consultancy regarding your website audit we provide special Hotel digital marketing services and website audit services to the hotels and resorts in India my contact number is +919571118855 ( Amit Gaur ) hotel marketing company. 

9. Create database 
   There are many channels which are contribute in your hotel Occupancy and customers, purchase softwares and Systems which can help you to maintain authentic database of your customers. This will be very helpful when you will send informative content to your potential customers if you have a ride database the marketing results on emails SMS or any other platforms will give you more results. There is one software called Wi-Fi crm, this software is one of the best software in the world for maintaining customer database and creating customer experience this software has automated social media marketing module here is the link you can visit the website and learn more about this software. 

10. Review management marketing 
    Ask your customer to write review about their experiences on different media platforms. Use any softwares which will be helpful for you helping in this reason to be completed review management marketing is one of the best and effective marketing for the hotel operators. Fifty percent of online bookings influenced by reviews posted about your hotels. And Fifty Percent of Hotel bookings are being decided as per the room tariff you have to maintain the boat and increase your online presence as well as maintained the room tariff very competitive as per the your hotel competitor. Keep a track like it owl. 

I would like to mention here, my name is Amit, and I worked for 15 years to hotel industry and after working in hotel marketing in f and B department I have created many softwares and technologies for Hotel marketing. And from last four years I am providing my digital marketing services to many hotels in India. My hotel marketing project and consultancy includes these three things for my clients. 

1. I provide training to all the hotel staff about digital marketing and provide technology and softwares so that everyone can easily contribute social media and digital marketing for the hotels. 

2. I work as a consultant and training manager for hotels to increase their Hotel revenues with the new modern technology. 

3. I provide my shop floor training to the hotel employees which I have learnt and came in last 16 years I love to share my experience to the people if anyone increase their reputation and salaries with the help of my experience training I feel I am blessed. 

Conclusion : 
1. The hotel has to perform his own Digital Marketing concept within the hotel premises. 
2. The hotel has to start using modern technology and gadgets and software which are helpful for Hotel marketing. 
3. Hotel managers have to invest their time learning new technology which will be helpful for the hotels to increase revenues. 

You can ask me any questions my phone numbers and email address or below I will be happy to answer all your queries.  

Ph: +91 9571118855 ( Amit Gaur ) 

Hotel digital marketing useful tips for hotels and Hotel managers. You can also ask Amit Gaur digital marketer professional for Indian hotels, about latest trends and set up a training program for your hotel staff. He provide his digital marketing services & technology in Delhi, mumbai, jaipur, bangalore, hyderabad, goa, maharashtra, Mumbai. India.

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